
Here you will find success stories, testimonies, comments and recommendations from doctors and patients who have used the ZERAMEX Ceramic Implant System

Product Reviews from our Doctors

Dr. Alvaro Ordonez

Dr. Alvaro Ordonez

On June 2020, Dr. Alvaro Ordonez became one of the first clinicians in the USA to place the all new Zeramex XT 3.5

Dr. Shelby Nelson

Dr. Shelby Nelson

Dr. Shelby Nelson shares her experience in placing her first ever ZERAMEX Ceramic Dental Implant

Dr. Mauricio Gutierrez

Dr. Mauricio Gutierrez

Dr. Mauricio Gutierrez points out that Titanium is not the only alternative for missing teeth!

Dr. Luis Alicea

Dr. Luis A Alicea

Dr. Luis A Alicea will be performing anothe life transformation for good - using ZERAMEX Ceramic Dental Implants.

Patient Success Story

Watch the video below to witness an emotional New Smile Reveal

Check out the patient's instagram post below:

Smile Reveal 2
Before - Smile reveal


After smile reveal


Comments and Recommendations all over Social Media

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