- The Blackstone Marriott
- 636 South Michigan Avenue, E Balbo Dr, Chicago, IL 60605, United States
- Nov 01 2019
- Expired!
American Society of Ceramic Implantology 2019
American Society of Ceramic Implantology 2019
Date: November 1, 2019
The Blackstone Marriott
Chicago, IL
ZERAMEX & Emerginnova will be exhibiting at the ASCI 2019
One-Day Special Event!
Since the early 2000’s implantable ceramic materials have matured to the point where it was now possible to have ceramic composites with good aesthetics, similar or better physical properties and superior biological properties than their metal alloy counterparts. During the last ten years we have seen ceramic implants claiming their place in dental implantology. At the same time patients have increasingly taken ownership of their wellbeing and the type of healthcare they choose to receive; they have been asking for biologic and biocompatible materials and less invasive treatment modalities in medicine and dentistry.
The medical and dental device industry have responded well so much so that the top implant manufacturers now have ceramic implants in their portfolio; some have simply resorted to OEM manufacturing in order to fast track their presence in the ceramic implant market.
We invite you to this unique event which objective is to inform and educate the North American dentist on how ceramic implants have become a viable alternative in implant dentistry and reliable enough to be used in a broad range of clinical situations.
Event Details

Event Schedule

Hotel Information
Reserve your room today by clicking here or call +1 312-447-0955 and mention ISPPS. Book your group rate for Ceramic Implantology event