- The Westin New Orleans Canal Place
- 100 Iberville St, New Orleans, LA 70130, United States
More Info
- Mar 12 - 14 2020
- Expired!
- All Day
Ceramic Implants: A New Reality in Implantology | 9th IAOCI WORLD CONGRESS 2020
The International Academy of Ceramic Implantology presents
3 Days of Inspiration and Education on Ceramic Dental Implants
Venue: The Westin Hotel, New Orleans
Date: 12 March – 14 March 2020
ZERAMEX & Emerginnova will be exhibiting!
It is ZERAMEX‘ 4th year exhibiting at IAOCI! You are invited to visit us, share the experience and learn about the numerous advantages of Ceramic Dental Implants over conventional implants.

The 2020 IAOCI World Congress, in New Orleans, LA, is an international dental meeting with a first-rate scientific program delivered by top international, regional and national speakers. The academy through this yearly congress promotes and delivers innovative and forward-thinking ideas through workshops, lectures and symposia that enhance the understanding of and the rationale for ceramic implants. This is an event where scientists, clinicians, students and manufacturers gather to have access to, learn from and exchange with the largest community of international experts in dental bioceramics science and technology. The 2020 congress is exceptional in that we are including a Digital Dentistry Symposium and, for the first time ever, a significant dental hygiene event focused on implant care, treatment and maintenance.
Be a part of the IAOCI World Congress 2020 by submitting an abstract for the poster competition! Having a poster at the IAOCI World Congress is an ideal way of making a broader public aware of the work you are doing.
For this edition of the IAOCI World Congress, kindly CLICK HERE to see the full details.
If a Doctor submits a ZERAMEX Case and it is selected as the winner of the Poster Presentation Competition, then ZERAMEX will also award 5 FREE ZERAMEX XT IMPLANTS!
Continuing Education Credits
To learn more about the Poster Presentation Competition with Special Added Bonus from ZERAMEX, please CLICK HERE
Have any Question?
Call us - 786.622.2016