- The Henderson Beach Resort & Spa
- 200 Henderson Resort Way, Destin, FL 32541
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- Jun 24 - 27 2021
- Expired!
- All Day
Southern Academy of Periodontology 2021 Annual Meeting
Dates: June 24-27 2021
Location: The Henderson Beach Resort & Spa – 200 Henderson Resort Way, Destin, FL 32541
ZERAMEX & Emerginnova will be exhibiting!
Celebrating the 101st Anniversary of the Southern Academy
E. Todd Scheyer DDS MS – Graduate of VCU, Magna Cum Laude earning clinical and research awards. Dr Scheyer received his Certificate in Periodontics, Conscious Sedation and a Masters Degree from UTHSCSA clinically focusing on Perio-Prosthetic Regeneration. Dr. Scheyer was awarded the John F. Prichard Award for graduate research.
Dr. Scheyer was awarded both the AAP “Clinical Research Award” and the “Robinson Regeneration Award” in 2010 and 2017. He is a Diplomate of the ABP. He has served as Senior District 5 Trustee for the AAP and is Past President of the SWSP and the TSP. He is in private practice limited to Periodontics and Implant Reconstructive Dentistry in Houston. He is now actively involved with research, advocacy for safe dentistry and is a leader in his specialty, as well as, in the broader field of dentistry. A complete biography and course description is located here: www.periosouth.net.
About the Event
4 hour CE Lecture, Subject Code 690
In the changing landscape of dentistry with the addition of predictable full digital work flow as well as patients increased awareness by the unbelievable explosion of social media and online access, digital dentistry is here to stay and advancing fast!
It is the early adopters that will truly gain the optimal benefit out of creating a digital workflow, whether for restorative dentistry or surgery. Dr. Scheyer has been utilizing digital dentistry for implant planning since 1998. Dr. Scheyer is a key opinion leader and has master status for digital smile design, an innovative platform for diagnosis and treatment planning
using facially generated protocols as taught by many of our mentors, i.e. Frank Spear, John Kous, and Bill Robins.
It has taken this philosophy of facially generated treatment planning and entered it into a digital platform to allow the collaborative team of dentists and other health care providers to optimize treatment options and provides ultimate form of informed consent for our patients. Furthermore, when we move into the production phase of digital dentistry, we can deliver templates, surgical guides, provisional restorations and definitive restorations with high levels of accuracy in an efficient work flow to improve our practice profitability and clinical predictability.
4 hour CE Lecture, Subject Code 690
Innovative and Evidence Based Approaches towards Oral Tissue Regeneration
The ability to predictably treat oral hard and soft tissue defects has been one of the cornerstones of periodontal and implant therapy. Many surgical techniques and materials have been developed, refined and modified to become less invasive and more esthetic.
With all of the biomaterials available to the clinician today, it is helpful to apply an evidence based approach to assist us with the rapidly changing market place and legitimacy of new products. Tissue engineering and biomimetic materials are not new but still have not seen a broad spectrum of use in clinical practice. What are next steps?
This lecture will review the evidence-based approach, classic and current research on the topic and how we can apply innovations to our everyday use. Comparisons to the gold standards will be utilized to draw some conclusions related to clinical outcomes, patient reported outcomes and long-term tissue stability. A focus on periodontal hard and soft tissue regeneration, extraction site preservation and sinus/ridge augmentation will be included with evidence shown from our own human clinical trials.
1. Increase awareness of evidence support for oral and hard tissue regeneration.
2. Understand the science and mechanism of tissue regeneration.
3. Help yourself and your patients with evidence based decision for biomaterials.

Southern Academy of Periodontology is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal
continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit.
Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from
3/1/2018 to 2/28/2022. Provider ID# 374030
Register at www.periosouth.net
The Southern Academy of Periodontology, 801 Royal Bonnet Ct., Wilmington, NC 28405
Cancellation Policy: Prior to June 11, 2021, $50 service fee.
There are no refunds for cancellations after June 11.