- The Breakers Palm Beach
- 1 S County Rd, Palm Beach, FL 33480, US
More Info
- Jun 25 - 28 2020
- Expired!
- All Day
Southern Academy of Periodontology 2020 Annual Meeting
Dates: June 25-28, 2020
Location: The Breakers, Palm Beach, 1 S County Rd, Palm Beach, FL 33480, USA
ZERAMEX & Emerginnova will be exhibiting!
Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Southern Academy on June 25-28 in Palm Beach, FL.

The Annual Meeting will offer continuing education lectures by several of our internationally known
members, Drs. Michael Pikos, Christopher Richardson, and John Russo.

Graduate of the Ohio State University, trained as an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon at the University of Pittsburgh, Diplomate of the ABOMS and ICOI, Fellow of the ACD. Dr Pikos has received many distinguished awards. Adjunct Professor at OSU, NOVA SE, UF, Aristotle University and UAB. He is on the Editorial Board of many dental journals and is published extensively along with lecturing on dental implants across the globe. Founder of the Pikos Institute with over 3900 alumni in 43 countries. A complete biography and course description is located here: www.periosouth.net.
Maxillary Arch Regenerative Strategies 2020: Single Tooth to Full Arch Reconstruction.
4 hour CE Lecture
This clinical based presentation will cover current hard and soft tissue grafting protocols for single tooth to full arch reconstruction. The use of 3D digital planning and diagnostic protocols will be featured along with comprehensive case presentations. Also covered will be future technologies for implant based surgical reconstruction.
– Understand the importance of 3D Diagnostics for implant based reconstruction
– Understand the role of recombinant proteins and other bioactive modifiers for hard and soft tissue grafting
– Understand the synergy of hard and soft tissue grafting for alveolar ridge reconstruction
– Understand a unique fully guided protocol for immediate fixed full arch reconstruction
Graduate of UAB, completed his Periodontal training at UTHSCSA and has practiced in Richmond, VA for more than 22 years. Board Certified Periodontist by the ABP. Served as President of the Richmond DS, SAP and on the Board of Directors of the AAP. Currently Vice-President of the AAP. Dr. Richardson is active with the IJPRD, AAP, AO, ADA and the VDA. He has won several distinguished awards. A complete biography and course description is located here: www.periosouth.net.
Course Description: 2 Hour CE Lecture
This presentation will focus on three different topics that I would like to present in quick, 40-minute sessions.
1) Extraction and Immediate Dental Implant Placement
2) Tooth Autotransplantation
3) Private Practice Based Clinical Research. Immediate implant placement is a skillset that the periodontal surgeon must have in their repertoire.
Managing traumatic fractures to teeth in the anterior esthetic zone is a practice builder and can make you the “Go-To Periodontist” in your area. Tooth autotransplantation is an incredible service to provide to our younger patients that can aid in transitioning to implant care or provide a natural tooth for life. Finally, if you have ever considered conducting clinical research trials in your office, I will provide background and the results of the research completed in our office as well as give guidance on how to get involved.
Graduate of Ohio State, completed his Periodontal training at MUSC and has been in practice in Sarasota since 1993. Served as President of the SAP and is currently representing District 3 on the AAP Board of Trustees. Lecturing on bone and soft tissue grafting and implant surgery for 18 years. A complete biography and course description is located here: www.periosouth.net.
Course Description: 2 Hour CE Lecture
This lecture will explore the role that this breakthrough technology plays in the dental implant practice. Learn about dynamically guided surgery workflow: everything from digital planning, including CBCT DICOM data, STL files, and implant treatment planning all the way through to the
navigated surgery and prosthesis. There will be a review of current literature comparing free-hand implant placement and static guides with dynamic guided implant placement. Several examples will be shown of cases treated with dynamic guided implant placement.
Fast paced sessions to highlight key strategies in Periodontology for 2020.
8 hours of CE, Lecture, Subject Code 690.

Southern Academy of Periodontology is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 3/1/2018 to 2/28/2022. Provider ID# 374030
Register at www.periosouth.net or complete this form and return with remittance in full to:
The Southern Academy of Periodontology, 801 Royal Bonnet Ct., Wilmington, NC 28405
Cancellation Policy: Prior to June 12, 2020, $50 service fee. There are no refunds for cancellations after June 12.