Tag Archives: German dental surgeon

Zeramex Zirconia Dental Implants: Expert’s Choice for Tooth Replacement

Dr. Max Riemann_Case Presentation_zeramexUSA_Blog banner

Dr. Riemann’s expertise and commitment in utilizing advanced dental solutions have led to a successful dental implant case, shining a spotlight on the remarkable advantages of Zeramex Zirconia Dental Implants.

These implants present an excellent option for individuals with missing teeth, and it’s high time for dentists to embrace them. Their outstanding biocompatibility, compatibility with soft tissue, and natural white aesthetics make them a compelling choice for modern dentistry.

German Specialist in Oral Surgery: Shifting Gears from Titanium to Ceramic Dental Implants!

Dr. Lina Karnesi_German Implantologist_Shifting gears from titanium to ceramic implants

Ceramic implants have emerged as a strong and biocompatible option for teeth replacement. They are now well-established in the field, and numerous dentists are incorporating both materials, with a growing preference for ceramic-based implants over time.

Implant Tribune

Spotlight on ZERAMEX®XT for the month of April 2020