- Los Angeles
- May 12 - 13 2023
- Expired!
ZERAMEX will be exhibiting at the Advanced PRF 2-day GBR Course Los Angeles, May 12-13, 2023
Zeramex is the leading provider of BioCeramic Zirconia Implants. At the May 2023 Advanced PRF GBR Course, ZERAMEX will be hosting live demonstrations of the 2 piece ceramic Implants along with tremendous show specials for doctors interested in providing metal-free implants for their patients health.
Catch as at the May 2023 Advanced PRF GBR Course and get a chance to talk to one of our representatives! The Ceramic Implant Guy will be there too!
About the Event
Advanced PRF 2-day GBR Course
Los Angeles
May 12-13, 2023
This course is designed for the clinician that currently utilized PRF in every day practice, but wishes to maximize on the technology by understanding the advancements made in the field over the past 5 years including the ability to extended the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks into a biomaterial that last 4-6 months.
While beginners may take the program, the course is designed to take clinicians into the world whereby extended-PRF membranes can replace collagen membranes created using the Bio-Heat Technology including its various clinical applications. While many colleagues in the past have taken the 1 day PRF program either live or online, this course is designed to teach clinicians how to make e-PRF membranes including the Bio-Bone protocols. Day 2 will be entirely run at Nova Southeastern University’s simulation lab where participants will get to practice each protocol and surgical technique on big mandible jaws. Topics such as GBR techniques and soft tissue grafting will be covered.
- To learn the advancements made in PRF therapy over the past 5 years including extended-PRF membrane applications
- To familiarize all clinicians with the Bio-Cool and Bio-Heat technology and their helpful use in everyday regenerative dentistry
- To manually practice and fabricate extended-PRF membranes and Bio-Bone protocols
- To utilize the technology of extended-PRF membranes for socket grafting, GBR procedures and Sinus Grafting
- To present treatment concepts aiming to predictably obtain periodontal regeneration including root coverage/intrabony defects.
- To teach the optimal flap design and suturing techniques with leaders in the field