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How Does Titanium Compare with Zirconia Dental Implants?

Dental implants in NYC can be made from titanium or zirconium. We use the highest quality medical grade titanium or titanium alloy dental implants, the same materials used for other bone implants and orthopedic joint replacements.

Zirconia vs. Titanium Implants: What’s the Difference?

Dental implants have quickly become one of the most popular restorative procedures in the world of adult dentistry. This is because implants are a permanent, attractive, comfortable solution to missing teeth. Our Naperville implant dentist, Dr. Anthony LaVacca, has been a leader in prosthodontics and stays at the forefront of the latest advances in the field. One of these advances is the zirconia dental implant, which we offer at Naperville Dental Specialists. When it comes to zirconia vs. titanium implants, patients are often curios as to what the difference is. We’ll be covering what sets zirconia implants apart and how they can transform your smile.

Zirconia vs Titanium Implants: The Differences

The future of dental implants is being shaped by new materials like zirconia, which can fuse well with the human jawbone. But what are your options if you need one today? Zirconia vs titanium dental implants. Titanium implants have been used traditionally and are effective in replacing missing teeth. Zirconia has also proven itself as an alternative that’s generally durable enough for use over time while also offering a very similar color to natural teeth. When considering zirconia vs titanium implants, it’s important to keep some key things in mind: cost, strength, and durability over time and the risk level.

Zeramex Implants For Patients Who Don’t Want to Use Metal

Here at Nashville Restorative Dentistry, we offer zirconia implants as an effective alternative for your traditional dental implants. Traditional dental implants are made using metal, such as titanium and other metal alloys. While these types of implants are a great option, you might have a few reasons why you want to avoid a metal implant. Whether you’re allergic to traditional titanium used in implants, or you just want to avoid exposure to the metals used in traditional implants, we get it! Dr. Jones is your holistic dentist with all the answers – continue reading to find out more about our Zeramex ceramic implants.

Zirconia Dental Implants vs Titanium Implants

When looking for replacement teeth, there are a lot of factors to consider. Due to increasing interest in holistic medicine and the concern of putting anything synthetic in our bodies, more and more patients are asking questions about the makeup of dental implants. For most patients, getting dental implants is a big step towards improving their oral health and so we understand that they want to make sure that they do the best thing for their bodies. Below, we will try to help answer your questions and in turn, help steer you towards the right decision. Zirconia vs Titanium implants – Which is right for you?

ZERAMEX XT Case Report by Prof. Belir Atalay and Dr. Alper Çıldır

In Ceramic implants 2/21, Prof. Belir Atalay and Dr Alper Çıldır presented a case report where they used i.a. Zeramex XT ∅ 5.5 mm (WB), length: 10 mm in the anterior region (#11).

Dr. Miguel Stanley’s Exciting Case of Implant Treatment featuring ZERAMEX XT

Dr. Miguel Stanley, Founder and Designated Implantology Expert at White Clinic in Portugal, shared with us an exciting case of implant treatment with Zeramex XT at position 21 and 11.

Dr. Joseph Sarkissian’s First Placement of The Cosmetic Implant – ZERAMEX XT 3.5 Implant

Social Media Case Report posted last December 2021, from Dr. Joseph Sarkissian’s Instagram Account. A perfect fit for the situation today. Great for upper lateral incisors. Resorbed ridge. My pilot drill was 2.8 mm and from there on I expanded the bone without any further drilling.

Reduced-diameter Two-part Ceramic Implants for Narrow Gaps in the Aesthetic Zone

Dr Saurabh Gupta Article banner

In the article entitled “Diameter-reduced two-part ceramic implants for narrow gaps in the aesthetic zone” , Dr. Gupta shared his experience in using Zeramex XT (SB 3.5 mm, 12 mm), which is intended for narrow gaps in the lower jaw front and for lateral incisors.

Dental implant: Ceramic or Titanium?

Dental implant Ceramic or Titanium

Dr. med. dent. Christian Schubert has a video on the subject of “Ceramic or titanium implants. Which implant suits you?” With the permission of Dr. Schubert we publish the video as well as the editorially prepared text version of his contribution.

Implant Tribune

Spotlight on ZERAMEX®XT for the month of April 2020